Overrated #1: Love is Overrated

God(s) is overrated. Organized religion is overrated. Republic of China is overrated. Money is overrated. Pride is overrated. Love is overrated.

*Love yang akan saya bahas disini bukan kasih sayang ortu thd anaknya, Love disini bukan rasa “caring” dalam keluarga/persahabatan, tetapi specifically ‘Love’ as in a romantic relationship. Love in a romance.
The ‘L.o.v.e’ which stand for Lousy Overrated Vile Emotion.*
(hiiiii, geli sendiri juga ngomongin love-love-an trus, haha)

Why is love overrated?

It’s overrated because of the way most people blinded by it. The way you’re not listening to a 3rd person’s point of view. Dimana ketika semua orang mengatakan bahwa kamu salah dan berusaha mengoreksi keputusan anda tetapi anda malah ngupil seenaknya, merasa sama sekali tidak ada yang salah, atau bahkan bahwa andalahnya sendiri yang paling benar. And, Blind is Contagious.

It’s overrated because of the way it makes most people’s logics contradict with their emotions. And the way logic always fail to overcome the emotions. Dimana anda selalu berusaha untuk deny kesalahan anda sendiri. It’s overrated because you can’t love wisely. It’s overrated because most people can’t love both logically and mentally in a time, all balanced out. It’s not easy at all, but at least, we shouldn’t let it get over us. Jangan berkelahi di kantin gara-gara wanita .(?)

It’s overrated because of the way most people equate happiness with love and only love. Beranggapan tujuan utama hidupmu/kebahagiaanmu adalah bersama dengan ‘the one’, dan jika tidak bisa bersama dirinya, maka hidup ini tidak ada gunanya lagi. I’m sick of it. I mean, if you're in love, then good for you. But if you're not, it should not take its toll on your self-perception either.

It’s overrated because the words “I love you” is overrated. Because teenage love is overrated. It’s overrated because Romance is over-rated. dan karena manusia-manusia yang suka kegeeran. Because you keep coming back asking for more despite the hurt caused.

It’s overrated karena adanya orang-orang yang duduk terpaku berdiam diri di sebuah sudut gelap kamar rumah sambil mendengarkan lagu emo yang disebabkan mereka gagal dalam mendapatkan love. Karena expectation misalign with the reality.
Is it worth the pain and tears? Emotionally: yes, but Logically: Not one bit Worthy.
Don’t over-grieve your lost. Build a bridge and get over it.
mending a broken heart is not an easy task and sure need time. Tetapi setelah periode itu, sudah saatnya anda kembali ke kehidupan anda semula, drag-and-drop the heartbreak into the Rubbish Bin, Right-Click and Delete it Permanently by Formatting Harddrive.
Move on, live on, find a new one. You really shouldn't let one (or even several) bad experiences taint your view on relationships.
There are a lot of jerks in this world, you know. And jerks like us play with the other’s heart, heartlessly, without giving a damn. Consciously or subconsciously. You don’t have to give your heart for a jerk. You can blame the jerks like us, but don’t think you’re not guilty yourself. It’s your kinds that provide us with the game. This Love Game.

Ai You Xi~~~ Ai Ba Xi~~~ Ge Jai Xi~~~ *Ai You Xi by Jam Hsiao* (?)

Now. If you’ve been trying to forget it but still can’t, it’s because you’re not really even trying.
You have no determination. You hesitated. You think you’ve fall to the deepest pit and can’t get out, are you really sure about that or you just don’t want to?
First you put it in the Rubbish Bin but then you Restore it again.
Afraid to lose him/her, when ironically, he/she was never yours in the first place.
But really, nothing is really predestined to be together.
There’s no GPS in love and there’s also no exact coordinates in love.
Like the narrator of (500) Days of Summer said, “you can't ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That's all anything ever is.”

Sometimes we need the bad experiences to guide us to the good ones, makes us see and be able to pick out the bad ones, just so you learn from them.
Saya doain deh bagi yang belum dapat good ones, biar pada dapatin good one-nya segera (tapi saya kan ga berdoa?!)

I’ve been there. Being that particular I-can’t-live-without-you-oh-esmeralda emo chap. But now, you won’t find me emo-ing up in one dark corner . I'm through that phase.
And after you get through it, it’s your time to plays with other people feeling, babe.

Tapi udah lah Tong, jangan mainin hati wanita terus, kasian tau! (eh?!)

I’m not saying that I hate love, I’m not saying that love sucks, but ”Step Up 2” do sucks (nah lho?). Made in China do sucks. My English do sucks. It’s just overrated.
Real Love is never overrated but this kind of ‘love’ sure IS overrated..
Human are too complicated to understand Real Love.
Well, maybe Jesus know, ask Him.

Dan untuk mereka yang sering cerita-cerita masalah love2an ama saya, yang banyak minta penerangan, minta kecap, minta uang keamanan, minta angka togel (???), minta komentar---padahal kata-kata saya juga ga bakal masuk ke dalam otak juga karena pada sudah punya jawabannya masing-masing sebelum saya memberi jawaban, why bother to ask then? who can help an emotionally-driven person? Can only see what u what u want to see, can only hear what u want to hear, can only feel what u want to feel, In a way, u’re more egocentric than Fed, u know?---, this is my universal answer:

“Stop overrating love, godamnit love-whores..” *agitated ga jelas*


Anonymous said…
sok tau lu, dok, wkakaka..pipiss~
fedfedfed said…
bukan begitu bos, saya ga hebat koq dlm hal ginian, saya cuman menghunuskan sebilah pedang di tangan, trus cewe2 yang lewat scr otomatis menyayat & menusukkan diri mereka ke pedang tsb satu per satu..
Bukan salah gw donk, wkwk
(perumpamaan yg keren, ckck) *lariii~*
nerd.charlie said…
a fake kind-hearted man by Shiina Ringo, coba dgr..

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