An Excerpt (From An Unfinished Project)
"I’ve read on, somewhere, that the structure of the brain cells somehow resemble the structure of the universe itself. This eventually made me wonder whether we’re all just fragments of a certain person memor ies . People said that even if someone dies, the world would, naturally, still goes around. But what if all of this was really just fragments of memories? What if reality was never real? "There’s no way we could prove reality is real, though, because we’re the object of the observation itself. To be able to prove an observation successfully, one need to be the observer. An object can never prove itself. This is like to observe on a dog’s eyesight. We know that dogs are colorblind because we’re the observer who observe s the dog. Dogs themselves would never know that they’re colorblind. When you asked them to imagine a color, for example, green , t hey would be unable to. Because they’re colorblind. And they’re dogs. Now , what if som...